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Smokers Uno and Other Fun Games | Hit and Play

smoke uno game

Image credit: Simon Ray via Unsplash

The Internet has created a world where if you dream it, you can create it. Not only that, but you can sell it. Case in point, the latest line of board games and card games like smokers Uno: customized and niche-focused games.

Among them, we are seeing a huge increase in the number of games marketed toward smokers and those who like to kick back and relax with a little green. You may already be playing some of these games, or you may just be looking for a way to add to your friends’ game nights and hangouts. In either case, today we’re going to take a look at a popular new trend: Smokers Uno.


What is Smokers Uno?

Smokers Uno is an Uno set that’s specifically marketed toward smokers. It’s sold online in various packages and usually includes:

  • A deck of Uno cards
  • A themed storage box
  • Instructions
  • Lighter
  • Ashtray


Depending on where you shop and what you’re willing to spend, you’ll find a few different packaging options to choose from. It’ll be up to you as to which one you ultimately choose.

The instructions for this game have been slightly modified, having players start the rotation with one puff each. Then, the cards drawn determine who smokes and how much. For example:

  • Draw 2 – 2 hits
  • Draw 4 – 4 hits
  • False Uno – 5 hits (yikes!)
  • Reverse – Whoever plays the card gives the recipient a shotgun hit


Of course, the entire point of the game is to get baked, and you’re sure to do just that. Once you start forgetting whose turn it is or how to play, you might want to put the cards away and take a break. Or, try a different game if you want to wake up everyone’s brains.

In any case, you’ll never get bored and you’ll always get baked– what’s not to love?


puff puff uno

Image credit: Adam Mills via Unsplash


Other Smokers Card Games

Of course, it’s not just Uno. Today, you can find Smokers’ games in varieties like Spades, Phase 10, and other classic games with a 420 twist. There are even curated games like 420 – The Card Game and others you’ve never played before. A simple online search will return plenty of selection results for you to choose from.

If you want to get the best games, you’ll want to take the time to read reviews and see what others have to say about their experiences. Check out the features of the game, see what people like and don’t like, and most importantly, make sure it’s easy enough for smokers to follow even after they’ve had a few tokes.

Game manufacturers have taken it upon themselves to cater to the new audience of table and card gaming, helping to bring the fun back to cards and board games one unique title at a time.

If you’re already smoking, you might also have fun with weird games like:

  • Bears vs. Babies
  • Goat Lords
  • Joking Hazard
  • Cards Against Humanity (or any of the several spinoffs)


Where Can I Find These Games?

Most of these games are easy to find online both on their own websites and at retailers like Amazon and eBay. External website retailers might have special offers or custom items you can’t find just anywhere. However, being able to find games on Amazon where you’re already making a purchase, for example, could be just as simple and affordable.

When you’re shopping, consider doing a search for “smoker game” or “420 games” and see what comes up. You will likely find a lot of different options to check out, no matter what type of game you have in mind.

Make sure that you only buy from reputable sellers and find shipping discounts or free shipping when you checkout, if possible. Of course, even if you have to pay the regular price, it will be money well spent for all the fun you’ll have.


What About Smoker Video Games?

If you’re looking for virtual fun, you can find plenty of options for computer and console video game titles. You can play games like Minecraft and Goat Simulator, running around aimlessly or trying to compete in missions with friends, taking a toke when you lose. Just don’t mistake that space key for a spaceship, and you’ll be alright, man.

Seriously, though, we smokers know and love our games. Smokers Uno is for sale online, but it’s just one example of the many options available for stoners today. Video games are just as fun, and sometimes more, especially once your hand-eye coordination goes out the window and you can no longer navigate your person or vehicle.


smokers uno

Image credit: Ezequiel Garrido via Unsplash


Pass Along the Fun with Friends and More

Smoker games make friend hangs and chill nights even more fun than they are on their own. Plus, there’s a wide selection of games available today, from Uno to Minecraft and even GTA or Pokemon Go– the world of games is yours to turn into a smoker’s entertainment source whether you buy pre-made quality smoker games or create your own.

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